Turn idle acres into extra cash flow


Does my land qualify for a solar lease?

At Driftpoint Renewables, we’re partnering with land owners like you. Whether you’re a farmer with low-yielding land, a forester with larger land holdings, or an investor with land to spare, let’s turn your unused land into reliable income.

Proximity to Power

Closer to three-phase power + a substation is preferred. We’ll assess your land for elligibility.

Level Ground

Ideal land is flat with good sun exposure (Southern exposure is best, but not required).

Soil Landscape

While clear land is best to start, we can also handle terrain with trees, rocks and wetlands.

Minimum Site Size

Depending on your location, we can use as few as 5 buildable acres to get started.

Let's talk about your land

You’ve got questions and we’d love to help you answer them.  Together, we will maximize the value of your land.

How this works:

 It all starts with a review of your land.  If your site qualifies, we’ll create a development plan for your land that outlines a custom design, lease terms, your potential pay-out, and next steps. 

Purchase or Lease Option
Together, we’ll draft a customized plan that works for everyone. Your first payment is ready as soon as you sign!
We’ll handle the heavy lifting. From local permits to utilities and federal regulations, we do all the work — at no cost to you.
With approvals in hand, it’s time to build. Development timelines can vary based on project size and environmental factors and we’ll coordinate the right schedule with you.
Power Production
We’re up and running! The entire set-up is now producing clean, reliable power and you’re receiving consistent payments.
When your lease is over, it’s our priority to return your land back to its original condition. We deeply respect your property and the partnership.

Meet Jordan

Developer, father, outdoorsman.

Let’s harness solar power for energy independence and land value maximization. We’re ready to transform your land’s potential.

Let's talk about your land

Diversifying doesn’t need to be difficult — we’re here to help. Share your info below and we’ll do the rest.

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Lease land for solar farm

Solar development offers various benefits, including a consistent and long-term income stream through lease payments, increased land value, and environmental contributions by supporting clean energy generation.

Generally, we’re seeking land that has a slope of 15% or less, close to power grid infrastructure or substations, has limited shading from trees or buildings, and is not environmentally sensitive. However, each project has specific requirements, so a thorough evaluation will be conducted to assess your land’s suitability.

What to expect with solar leasing

Your responsibilities as a landowner may include granting access to the developer for surveys and construction, and cooperating with environmental studies or permitting processes. The specifics are outlined in the lease agreement.

Typically, the solar developer will be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the solar arrays. As a landowner, your role may be minimal, and you can focus on your existing land uses or other priorities.

The interconnection process involves connecting the solar project to the power grid. The developer will handle the interconnection application, coordination with utilities, and any necessary analysis by the developer or utility. Your land will need to have access to the power grid or substations for the interconnection process.

Solar farm value

Leasing your land for solar development can provide a steady income through lease payments, typically structured as an quarterly or annual rental payment based on the size of the project.

The impact on property taxes may vary depending on local regulations. In some areas, solar arrays may be eligible for tax exemptions or reductions. Driftpoint will work with the landowner to assess the local and state tax provisions and insure a workable situation that allows the development to be built without impacts to the landowner.

Rental payments for solar leases are typically determined based on various factors, including the size of the solar project, market conditions, and specific terms agreed upon in the lease agreement. The payments can be structured in various ways that best suit the landowner.

Solar LEase Terms

Solar lease agreements typically span an initial 20-year term followed by 3 to 4 5-year options to the array owner, offering a long-term commitment and consistent income over the agreement’s duration.  More interested in selling your land for a lump sum payment, we can work that too.

At the end of the lease term, options for extension or renegotiation can be discussed. Lease agreements typically include provisions for renewal or termination, allowing both parties to reassess terms based on prevailing market conditions and mutual agreement.  In the case that the lease ends fully the array owner will remove equipment as part of the lease agreements.

Solar lease agreements typically include provisions for transferring the lease to a new landowner if the property is sold. The terms and conditions regarding lease transfer and any potential financial adjustments will be outlined in the lease agreement to protect the interests of both parties.

It’s highly recommended to involve legal counsel or seek independent advice before entering into any significant agreements, including solar lease agreements. Legal professionals can review the terms, help negotiate provisions, and ensure that your interests as a landowner are protected.

Please note that the answers provided are general in nature, and specific terms and conditions may vary based on individual agreements and local regulations. It’s important to consult with professionals experienced in solar leasing and legal matters to obtain tailored advice based on your specific circumstances.

Let's talk about your land

You’ve got questions and we’d love to help you answer them.  Let’s work together to maximize the value of your land.

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